Thursday, November 30, 2006

Blogging... Retirement... Friends... Me...

I have to admit I am a total "dunce" when it comes to the "blog thing". I want to learn and I will, but right now I really don't know what I'm doing!!! So I will just do some "blah blah" and see where it goes from here.

Every morning when I get out of bed, I slide the window open, no matter how cold it is, and take a deep breath to see what the day is going to smell like. I immediately feel grateful for my good health (just the fact alone that I am able to breath is wonderful!!) and the beauty of nature. I started this routine without even realizing it and as I have grown older I have become much more aware of how lucky I am to have all that I have. To many folks it would seem like not much, I'm not rich, or beautiful or shapley or brilliant. But I am soooo lucky to have myself as my own best friend. I take the best care of myself that I can, I pat myself on the back when I do good and yell at myself (very gently and in private, that is) when I don't do so good. I watch for danger for myself as well as those around me, I try to take care of people that seem to need me to take care of them, I try to help those that need some help and respect the privacy of those that don't.

When I began my "so called" retirement several years ago, I felt like I had given all that was necessary to the world out there. I was ready for a rest!!! Then I found myself trying to find ways to make a little extra $$. I worked on Ebay, I crocheted and sold my works, always trying to make a little extra. My son put me in touch with a friend of our family and from there it's history. I work for a great group of folks who have organized themselves into an outstanding "National Internet Business Directory" called and it's been history for me!!! Keeps me current and got me to the "blog place" too.

I don't do politics. I hate arguing and put the TV on mute if someone starts. I make my own decisions about who is right and who is full of it, and try not to push those opinions on those around me.

Road Rage scares me, infuriates me and disgusts me. To me it's the easiest way to get killed, either by crashing or sending your blood pressure off the charts.

I fell in "one sided" love a couple of times in my life. You know the kind where you can't eat or else you’re eating the wallpaper off the walls!!! Both of them turned out very bad. One of them I married, the other I didn't. I will never fall in love like that again. Very painful.

I love my "quiet time", my "alone time" and my "private time". I'm very protective of it and cannot help my irritation when it's disturbed, especially when I have been doing way more than necessary for the people around me. I like my own company, probably more than I should.

Friends. Wow, have I had some friends/pals/buds/sisters in my life!!! I could tell you stories that would make you think that we probably should all be institutionalized. My friends have been the one true joy in my life that rarely ever failed me. Years later, even though we have parted ways and live in different places, when we talk we laugh. Always a "belly laugh", always!!! Always a shoulder to cry on, and an ear to bend, someone who understands!! My gal pals have, many times, been a life line for me while I was going through the labors of living.

Some time I would like to write about being a parent. It won't be "gushy" and "wonderous", but it will be factual and very scary. It's been many years and it still scares me to death!!!! I'd also like to write about my mom. How she helped to bury her son. How strong she is, even though she would like the world to think she is totally helpless!! I'd love to write about my grandson too, but that would definitely bore anyone and everyone, as he is wonderful, perfect, handsome, brilliant, blah blah blah!!!

So it goes for now!!!
Hugs, Lynda

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Be Thankful You Can Make A Difference

Hi Happy Thankgiving to everyone from
all of us here at!

I am getting excited about having a lot of my family around me tomorrow. My son works at a restaurant, so he will be working a double shift and one each - niece and nephew - will be working at Disney. But I should be surrounded by lots of love and fun. My sister-in-law and nieces and nephews on my hubby's side are busy taking care of my newest grand-niece, "Cami" a beautiful, dark haired beauty who arrived yesterday! So they will be staying 'down south' this year.

Just wanted to share some "thankfulness thoughts" with you all.

I am thankful for all the love I have in my life - from family, friends and people I don't even know.

If you haven't said "I love you" to someone today, do it! (If you have... do it again!)

I am thankful that I CAN make a difference - and so can YOU.

Not only that but you have an obligation to make that difference, even if it as simple as volunteering once a month or smiling at someone lonely.

I am thankful for leaders who can remain focused with their eyes on social justice; those who motivate people and orchestrate programs to help others less fortunate than ourselves.

Let somone who motivates you know they are appreciated.

I am thankful for everyone who has helpled me in trying times and for those that have led me in the right direction.

Thank someone special in your life.

I am thankful that, unlike most of the people of the world, I have so much: a safe place to sleep at night, a car to drive, all the modern conveniences such as refrigerators, stoves, air conditioning, access to health care, computers, sound systems - things that we often take for granted.

Stop for a minute and think about all the people all over the world that do not have these things.

Traditionally, Thanksgiving is a day in which we gather to reflect on our bountiful blessings.

This year, perhaps we should begin the celebration by reflecting on those things that might not be so obvious because, ironically, they are sometimes too obvious to see.

Love to all,

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 Employee Blogger Returns

OK – Yeah I know I have been very negligent in keeping my blog up and apparently from what I have seen, good bloggers blog at least once a week and some of them do it every day. So I am not the best blogger in the world, but here are my reasons (read ‘excuses’): I work 40+ hours a week. I am on the Community Thanksgiving Committee. I am helping to try and start a homeless coalition in our area. I run a youth group that meets once a week and does community service and fundraisers on weekends. I am married with child. I help with the care of my mom (Doctor’s appointments, banking, etc.) and my mother-in-law. I teach Sunday School... well, you get the idea.

My boss just sent me a link to another blog that mentioned, and I am not sure but I think it was a subtle hint. Like “where are the blogs you were going to do every week?” He is too nice to come right and say “You dropped the ball” but I did. And I apologize. ‘My bad’ as my 18 year old son would say. Of course, I have also asked other employees to help out – but so far only two have responded! (not so subtle hint to Mary, Rusty, Carol and Sue!)

So what has been going on around here and in my life for the last month, you want to know?!? Right?

At USCITY.NET things are going along pretty much as usual, we are working right now on weeding out some dead and nearly dead links. We have added some great new categories:

Camcorder - Career:Training - DSL - Loans:Student

- MP3 Players - Special Event -

Our reciprocal program has really taken off and keeping Kristina busy. We seem to be on an uphill swing as far as new signups are concerned, so our marketing department is happy.

Also, I just got back from a WOW (Women On Waves) cruise with some of my friends to celebrate my fiftieth birthday! More about that later...

I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, too!