Friday, March 09, 2007

Delanie Crawford

Hi Everyone! Well, my Dad (and my boss) and Aunt Pam (another employee) came up with the idea that I will be doing blogs about everything that has being going on, and that is going on, here at headquarters. For those out there reading this who do not know me, I'm Delanie Crawford, Mary and Rusty Crawford’s eldest daughter.

The biggest news in my life is that I have recently found out that by the end of this year I am going to be a mommy. YAY! So that makes two young employees for this company with little ones. No offense to the other mommy's though.

Like Lacey once blogged about, we used to be neighbors, and her mom has always worked with us and for us. But back then, we could have NEVER imagined that what was once just a dream would become such a hit. And I give high congrats to my father for being such a genius. Anyways, back to the blogging project. My most recent success and goal was the "State Info" Pages. Soo below is a little update about what went on with that: As you all know, hosts the 50 states, and all the information you could ever need to know about them. If you’ve never taken the chance to look, each state has a "State Info" page, telling you about capitals, state icons, annual weather, and so on. Since it was time to update all the information, we decided to also make the pages more attractive. My Dad made a template for me to work with, so that what I did was go into each state, add all the information, and make sure each state had an updated seal. Doesn't sound like much, but boy it was more than you could have imagined. It would probably take a regular employee a couple days to do it, but since I am new to this, it dragged on. I finally finished after running to the bathroom maybe 100 times (I have BAD morning/night sickness), going dizzy from looking at the screen for too long, and getting side tracked by all the things my little sisters wanted me to do for them (like science projects and taking them to the movies).

But now the new state informational pages are done and you can access information for each state on population, size, the day it was admitted to the USA, whether it was the 21st state to be admitted or the 50th, major cities, and updated weather. For instance, did you know that Alaska is the largest state? Or that Colorado is bigger then Florida? Even though Florida's population is almost three times the amount of Colorado's population? Well hey, now on the page you can find that all out! Sooo, make sure you go and check it out. Just click on the state of choice, when the directory comes up look for the link "state info", click and Voila - there you have it!

Love to All,
