Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

We here at wish all of you a very Happy Halloween. Here are some tips for making tonight a treat for all of us:

If you are driving:
1. Watch for children darting out from between parked cars.
2. Watch for children walking on roadways, medians and curbs.
3. Enter and exit driveways and alleys carefully.
4. At twilight and later in the evening, watch for children in dark clothing.

If you are a parent or guardian:
1. Make sure that an adult or an older responsible youth will be supervising the outing for children under age 12.
2. Plan and discuss the route trick-or-treaters intend to follow. Know the names of older children's companions.
3. Instruct your children to travel only in familiar areas and along an established route.
4. Teach your children to stop only at houses or apartment buildings that are well-lit and never to enter a stranger's home.
5. Establish a return time.
6. Tell your youngsters not to eat any treat until they return home.
7. Review all appropriate trick-or-treat safety precautions, including pedestrian/traffic safety rules.
8. Pin a slip of paper with the child's name, address and phone number inside a pocket in case the youngster gets separated from the group.

The Costume:
1. Costumes should be loose so warm clothes can be worn underneath.
2. Costumes should not be so long that they are a tripping hazard. (Falls are the leading cause of unintentional injuries on Halloween.)
3. If children are allowed out after dark, outfits should be made with light colored materials. Strips of retroreflective tape should be used to make children visible.
4. Face Design Masks can obstruct a child's vision. Use facial make-up instead.
5. When buying special Halloween makeup, check for packages containing ingredients that are labeled "Made with U.S. Approved Color Additives," "Laboratory Tested," Meets Federal Standards for Cosmetics," or "Non-Toxic." Follow manufacturer's instruction for application.
6. If masks are worn, they should have nose and mouth openings and large eye holes.
7. Accessories Knives, swords and other accessories should be made from cardboard or flexible materials. Do not allow children to carry sharp objects.
8. Bags or sacks carried by youngsters should be light-colored or trimmed with retro-reflective tape if children are allowed out after dark.
9. Carrying flashlights will help children see better and be seen more clearly.

What the kids should know:
1. Do not enter homes or apartments without adult supervision.
2. Walk, do not run, from house to house. Do not cross yards and lawns where unseen objects or the uneven terrain can present tripping hazards.
3. Walk on sidewalks, not in the street.
4. Walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic if there are no sidewalks.

Before and After:
1. Give children an early meal before going out.
2. Insist that treats be brought home for inspection before anything is eaten.
3. Wash fruit and slice into small pieces.
4. When in doubt, throw it out.


Friday, October 19, 2007

Our Babies...

Tiona Holding Camdyn

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Camdyn is Home!!

We have a new baby!! After a much anticipated arrival and a little later than planned, Camdyn Michael Crawford-Irvine made his debut Sunday, October 14 at 8:23 p.m. Camdyn weighed 8 lbs, 15 ounces and was 20 inches long. He had a huge crowd there to meet him, including Mom (Delanie), Dad (Colin), Gamma (Mary), Gampa (Rusty), Mimi, Papa, Aunt Koda, Aunt Kyra, Uncle Shea and Cousin Jackie Lee. First time Gamma tells us that he was very aware and quite awake as soon as he made his arrival. And she might have mentioned once or twice that he was BEAUTIFUL too!

Camdyn got to come home on Tuesday afternoon to his new home with Mom, Dad and Baby-Dog. Everyone is doing great and we are all very happy for the entire family. Rusty, Mary and Delanie are all part of our family here at, and so all her honorary aunts and uncles here are just as pleased as could be.

Our other” baby” - Tiona - just turned one year old recently. Perhaps we can have one every year!!

Personal note to the Crawford-Irvine family: I am so happy for you all, sending you blessings, peace and love and I can’t wait to see Camdyn in person.

Here is a poem I have had tucked away for a few years, not sure who wrote it but I think it’s appropriate for today:

Babies are Angels that fly to the earth,

their wings disappear at the time of their birth

one look in their eyes and we're never the same

they're part of us now and that part has a name

that part is your heart and a bond that won't sever

our Babies are Angels, we love them forever.

Love to all,