Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is a day to share food with friends and family, and to find ways for sharing our love, friendship and food with those around us.

We should remember that food did not just magically appear and gives thanks for the farmers and farm workers who plant and harvest, and for the workers who package, transport and sell it to us.

Food and the sharing of food is the work of many people. Today, before we eat, we should think of new ways to share our prosperity with all who labor. We need to be a people of sharing and thanksgiving everyday.

peace, love and blessings!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

We wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving. Remember to be thankful and eenjoy those you are close to. Always remember, we have No Day But Today!

Namaste and lots of love to you all from Mary and Rusty!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Proud of Our Students

USCITY.NET is proud of our college students and we are very supportive of their education. We are happy to be able to work around their school schedules and wish all of them the best of luck. Here is a little bit about them and their schoolwork:

LACEY in her own words:
Currently, I am attending DBCC and enrolled half-time just taking prerequisites. This semester is almost over but I'm taking Psychology and Art Appreciation. Next semester I'm taking Intro to Health and Oral Communications. I intentionally wanted to pursue a degree in radiography to be an x-ray tech, which is still my ultimate goal, but due to some circumstances, that is put on hold for right now. I was supposed to start the program in January; however they only accept 10 students each year. The program required 40 hours of school a week for 2 1/2 years, with some odd hours, and I'm definitely not ready to put my 14-month-old in daycare.


Luckily right now I can work online (thanks to and do most of my school online also, which I'm enjoying each day while it lasts. So in turn, I changed my degree temporarily so I can get a career under my belt and be in a position to support my daughter and I. I applied for the dental assistant program, which starts in June and only lasts 10 months. I figure that I'll stay in the dental field for a little while and who knows, maybe I'll really like that and go on to pursue a degree to be a hygienist. But if not, then I can always go back to be an x-ray tech. I'm still young and I have plenty of time to experience and chose the best career path. A main thing to keep in mind is trying to think of something to keep my family financially stable.

David is studying "Digital Media & Graphic - Design" and next semester will be taking Web Design I, Typography, and Graphic Design Studio I & II. David says, “Hopefully when done with school, I can find a good designer job somewhere, and maybe someday run my own legit Graphic/Web/Media design studio.”

Wade is taking general classes and working towards and AA degree at the Daytona Beach Community College. He’s not sure what he wants to do, but knows that a college degree will be helpful, if not necessary in his life. Wade is hoping that something will “grab him” while in college and he can steer his college education in that direction. Wade adds: “Too bad there is no Doctorate in Surfing…”

Wade Surfing

I am a recent graduate of Florida State University with a degree in Exercise Physiology. Even after graduation, I am still taking classes at FSU: Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry Lab, in preparation for medical school. It would be ideal for me to matriculate into a medical school beginning in 2008, but it is a competitive field, and so I may have to take a year off. In the mean time, I continue to work part time with, and volunteer in a medical setting.

Last January, I was offered the opportunity to get training and certification as a medical assistant; I will complete the class in less than a month in December. If I am unable to get into medical school for the 2008 year, I hope to get a part-time job as a medical assistant. I triage patients meaning I take their weight, blood pressure, heart rate, respirations, and get their reasons for their visit; I love interacting with patients. I also give immunizations, and injections, EKG’s, call patients, and anything else the doctor may require. It’s good experience toward the medical field and the career I ultimately want to have.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy Veterans Day

We, here at want to wish all veterans, veterans' families, loved ones, those who pray for them, those who send letters and packages to them and everyone who keep them in their thoughts a HAPPY VETERANS DAY!

The guys and gals who serve our country do not do it for the medals or the glory and they choose to serve (unlike some other countries around the world). The do their job to the best of their ability they are all heroes.

To all our veterans from whatever era, thank you for your service and we wish you a Happy Veterans Day!

Here is some military humor sent to me by a colleague that I hope will bring a smile to your faces!

Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.

The enemy invariably attacks on two occasions:
a. When they're ready.
b. When you're not.

If at first you don't succeed, then bomb disposal probably isn't for you.

"Aim towards the Enemy" — instruction printed on US rocket launcher.

When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is no longer our friend.

Cluster bombing from B-52s is very, very accurate. The bombs always hit the ground.

If your attack is going too well, you are walking into an ambush.

We hope you enjoy your day!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Halloween Bumble Bee

Lacey's daughter, Tiona - Halloween 2007

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Hit This Like

All of our employees have a great sense of humor and some are very creative - one of the creative ones is our Lead Graphic Artist. Shea and his buddies, Danny and John are launching a new TV show “Hit This Like”. Click here - to take a peek at some funny video and see why you should NEVER, EVER TAPE BREAD TO YOUR DOOR!!