Thursday, January 10, 2008

2007 in a Nutshell

Before we start looking back, I would like to explain a little bit about the employees here at - we are co-workers, but we are also family – sometimes a slightly dysfunctional family but one that is always bonded by making our directory the best it can be and by trying to help each other. Most of our work-related communication is done through phone calls and emails. Most of us reside in Florida and see each other regularly. Some don’t. One of our employees, Lynda, lives in Michigan and hasn’t met most of us here. She is coming to Florida for a vacation next week and we are all excited about meeting her. I feel as though I already know her, we chat about her kids, her Mom, her grandkids (ESPECIALLY the grandkids – LOL), our health, our families, etc. Oh, yes, we also discuss work…

So, with that said, I would have to say the biggest thing to happen here this year has nothing at all to do with our directory – it was the birth of our second baby, Camdyn. You can read about Camdyn’s birth at our Camdyn is Home blog.

And here is a photo of both “our” babies - that's Tiona holding Camdyn.
Some of what we have done in 2007 includes a lot of behind the scenes stuff, like our innovative programming by Tyson that makes all of our lives easier. Continuous upgrading and adding servers to make us faster, overseen by our network engineer, Bill. Of course, of all of this is done under the direction of Rusty, our fearless leader!

If you received an iPhone as gift, head over to - our new iPhone interface. All content is being re-formatted to fit your iPhone. New features will be added as they are developed. There are loads of features already working. Free phone number lookup nationwide is available now as well as access to millions of G-rated quality links.

In keeping up with the times, we have added some new categories to our directory. Below is a list of some of the major ones:
Go Green - NLP - Hypnosis - Wiki - Jobs

Besides the Go Green category, we added two more that we hope will help make a difference in the lives of visitors to our site and those they choose to help - Giving and Hospice.

Note that each of these categories is in every state. Our directory is set up for national and local websites, so if you are looking for a business or service that is in a certain state, click on that state directory from our front page.

We did some major re-organizing of our Wellness, Marketing and Health categories too.

One exciting new addition to our directory and one that has proven to be very popular is our new streaming news videos. We also upgraded our weather information page – TWICE!.

Shea created a great new updated front page design, which we carried over to our state pages.

If you would like a little more info on our employees go to one of their blog entires:

A New Look - Spotlight on Shea
Proud of Our Students
Lacey’s A Whole New Life
Delanie Crawford
Kristina’s A Babysitter’s View of Cruising
My View of How We Began

All the people I supervise have made my job as easy as possible and I am very proud of all of them. I thank all of you for your hard work and dedication to I have to add a special thank you to Carol, my assistant – who is a joy to work with and I love her very much! I really don’t know what I would do without her.

There are always so many new things happening around here, we are constantly changing, morphing, keeping up with the times, but these are the things that I believe were the highlights of 2007.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008